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PA services

Virtual PA Limited assigns a dedicated confidential assistant to each user, who provides full administrative support. The Virtual PA is, in turn, supported by a part-time remote assistant.

The services which can be bought individually or packaged include:

Typing services

Virtual PA Limited manages a fully trained virtual typing pool for clients. Where necessary, typists with specialist knowledge are employed. Our average typing speeds are 80 wpm. Once the team is settled with a client and their work we would expect, on average, the transcription of a 15 minute tape to take 75 minutes, or 5 minutes to transcribe 1 minute of dictation.
Virtual PA Limited provides a same day turn around of work if it is received before 3.30pm.

Database Management

By arrangement we are able to provide database management services to our clients.

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020 8599 4646

Virtual PA offers
experienced senior assistants
providing a comprehensive
executive service.

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